Governance for Cloud Architecture

October 01, 2022

Governance for Cloud Architecture

With more and more companies moving their operations to the cloud, governance has become an essential component for managing cloud architecture. Cloud governance is about implementing policies and procedures to ensure that cloud resources are being used effectively and securely.

In this article, we'll discuss various types of governance for cloud architecture and compare their benefits. Let's jump right in!


Self-governance means that individual teams or departments within an organization are responsible for managing their own cloud resources. This type of governance can be beneficial because it allows teams to have autonomy and flexibility in how they use cloud resources. However, it can also lead to issues such as resource sprawl and security vulnerabilities.

Centralized Governance

Centralized governance means that there is a centralized team or department responsible for managing all of the organization's cloud resources. This type of governance provides better control over cloud resources, which helps reduce security risks and resource waste. However, it can also create bottlenecks and hinder agility.

Hybrid Governance

Hybrid governance is a combination of self-governance and centralized governance. This approach allows for greater flexibility while still maintaining centralized control over cloud resources. This type of governance is becoming increasingly popular as it provides the best of both worlds.

Cloud Management Platforms

Cloud management platforms (CMPs) are tools that provide a centralized location for managing cloud resources. They offer features such as cost optimization, security management, and governance. CMPs can be a great option for enterprises with complex cloud infrastructure as they provide a high level of control and visibility.


Type Benefits
Self-Governance Autonomy, flexibility
Centralized Governance Better control, reduced security risks, less resource waste
Hybrid Governance Flexibility with centralized control
Cloud Management Platforms A centralized location for managing resources, cost optimization, security, and governance


In conclusion, cloud governance is critical for managing the complexities of cloud architecture. There are different types of governance to choose from, and we hope this article has provided insights on which one would work best for your organization. Ultimately, your choice of governance should be based on your organization's needs, priorities, and goals.

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to implement appropriate governance practices to ensure your cloud operations are optimized for success.


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